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Daily FX Focus

4 July 2024

Important Risk Warning

  • The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in this product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation and investment experience.
  • Investment involves risk. Loss may be incurred as well as profits made as a result of buying and selling investment products.
  • Currency conversion risk - the value of your foreign currency and MYR deposit will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. If you choose to convert your foreign currency and MYR deposit to other currencies at an exchange rate that is less favourable than the exchange rate in which you made your original conversion to that foreign currency and MYR, you may suffer loss in principal.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 0.6615 / 0.6764  ⬆

AUD rose against the dollar yesterday as USD declined broadly after soft ADP figures from June and after Australian retail sales bounce in May. While investors await June Nonfarm Payrolls data due tomorrow. AUDUSD rose 0.57% yesterday while AUDHKD ended at 5.23 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.0696 / 1.0847  ⬆

EUR rose against the dollar yesterday as the USD eased on softer-than-expected data. The EUR also rose on optimism that the National Rally might not secure an overall majority in the French Parliament. EURUSD rose 0.39% yesterday while EURHKD ended at 8.42 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.2644 / 1.2808  ⬆

GBP ended higher against the dollar yesterday bolstered by a broad softening in US economic figures, signs of further softening mount. UK election today could introduce a fresh round of volatility. GBPUSD rose 0.44% yesterday while GBPHKD ended at 9.95 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 0.6044 / 0.6167  ➡

NZD rose against the dollar yesterday as USD and US yields slide after soft jobs & ISM data. While RBNZ is set to deliver an interest rate decision next week after maintaining it at 5.5% for the 7th consecutive meeting in May. NZDUSD rose 0.39% yesterday while NZDHKD ended at 4.76 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 7.2765 / 7.3207  ⬇

CNH ended higher against the dollar yesterday as the USD and US treasury yields eased on softerthan-expected manufacturing and jobs data. CNH rose despite the services PMI fell to 51.2 in June from 54.0 in May. USDCNH fell 0.07% yesterday while CNHHKD ended at 1.06 level. 


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.3578 / 1.3739  ⬆

CAD rose against the US dollar yesterday climbing to a 8-week high after the USD eased broadly. CAD was also boosted by rise in oil prices, however a bigger than expected monthly trade deficit capped gains. USDCAD fell 0.28% yesterday while CADHKD ended at 5.72 level. 


Support / Resistance

vs USD 158.38 / 163.47  ⬇

JPY fell to a 38-year low against the dollar yesterday despite the USD easing against most major currencies and US treasury yield retreated after slew of softer than expected US data. The yen hit a record low against the EUR. USDJPY rose 0.15% yesterday while JPYHKD ended at 4.83 level. 


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.3493 / 1.3590  ➡

SGD ended stronger against the US dollar yesterday as the USD eased against major peers and US treasury yields fell, pressured by growing signs of weakness in US manufacturing and jobs market. USDSGD fell 0.15% yesterday while SGDHKD ended at 5.76 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 4.7069 / 4.7277  ⬆

MYR was firmer against the USD at yesterday’s opening after dovish comments from Powell led to lower US yields and softer USD. USDMYR continued to trade in consolidation mode and lingered around 4.72 level throughout the day. Last night, a list of US data results printed on the softer side of expectations, indicating that the US economy is indeed slowing which may allow the FED to consider rate cuts. As US goes on holiday today, USDMYR opened just below 4.72 this morning and may continue to consolidate around the range of 4.70-4.72 today.

⬆ Consolidation, indicates that the currency's movement against USD has remained sideways

➡ Up Trend, indicates that the currency has been moving higher against the base currency

⬇ Down Trend, indicates that the currency has been moving lower against the base currency

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