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Daily FX Focus

5 July 2024

Important Risk Warning

  • The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in this product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation and investment experience.
  • Investment involves risk. Loss may be incurred as well as profits made as a result of buying and selling investment products.
  • Currency conversion risk - the value of your foreign currency and MYR deposit will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. If you choose to convert your foreign currency and MYR deposit to other currencies at an exchange rate that is less favourable than the exchange rate in which you made your original conversion to that foreign currency and MYR, you may suffer loss in principal.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 0.6628 / 0.6781  ⬆

AUD rose against the dollar yesterday amid firm speculation that the policy divergence between the Federal Reserve and the RBA would narrow. On the contrary, financial markets expect that the RBA could tighten its policy further. AUDUSD rose 0.34% yesterday while AUDHKD ended at 5.25 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.0713 / 1.0865  ⬆

EUR rose against the USD yesterday. With US markets closed, investors' focus moved to elections in France and Britain. Meanwhile, German manufacturing orders unexpectedly dropped in June, the fifth monthly decline in a row. EURUSD rose 0.22% yesterday while EURHKD ended at 8.44 level. 


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.2656 / 1.2820  ⬆

GBP rose against the dollar yesterday amid thin trading due to US holiday. Meanwhile, traders await final results from the UK’s Parliamentary Election, and markets eye on US NFP slated for later today. GBPUSD rose 0.13% yesterday while GBPHKD ended at 9.96 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 0.6061 / 0.6161  ➡

NZD rose against the dollar yesterday after negative shifts in US economic indicators, particularly June's disappointing ADP data and uncertain PMI signals. The RBNZ is expected to maintain its key rate at 5.5% in its upcoming meeting. NZDUSD rose 0.25% yesterday while NZDHKD ended at 4.77 level. 


Support / Resistance

vs USD 7.2703 / 7.3145  ⬇

CNH rose against the dollar yesterday due to a series of disappointing U.S. economic figures that increased expectations among investors for the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates in the coming months. USDCNH fell 0.13% yesterday while CNHHKD ended at 1.07 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.3558 / 1.3717  ⬆

CAD rose against the US dollar yesterday, rising to a one-month high. However, data showed Canada's services economy deteriorated in Jun. Investors await domestic employment report for clues on BOC's policy stance. USDCAD fell 0.18% yesterday while CADHKD ended at 5.73 level. 


Support / Resistance

vs USD 158.31 / 163.10  ⬇

JPY rose against the dollar yesterday, however wasn't far from its lowest level since Dec 1986. Japanese authorities have spoken about intervention, however haven't specified any levels, but warned of excessive moves. USDJPY fell 0.27% yesterday while JPYHKD ended at 4.84 level.


Support / Resistance

vs USD 1.3480 / 1.3577  ⬆

SGD continued to remain strong against the US dollar yesterday as the USD eased across the board amid thin trading as US markets were closed for US Independence holiday. USDSGD fell 0.14% yesterday while SGDHKD ended at 5.77 level. 


Support / Resistance

vs USD 4.6999 / 4.7207  ⬆

USDMYR spot opened 100 pips lower yesterday owing to softer DXY; and flows interest remain twoways with better USD selling interest during evening hours. On flows, offshore real money bought MYR bonds coupled with light USD buying from importer. Recently in the US we have seen a flip from consistently strong data sets covering all sectors of the US economy. The risk tonight is that the June release of NFP also shows some weakness. Today, USDMYR opened almost unchanged from yesterday and we expect the pair to trade within the familiar range of 4.69 - 72 levels for now. 

⬆ Consolidation, indicates that the currency's movement against USD has remained sideways

➡ Up Trend, indicates that the currency has been moving higher against the base currency

⬇ Down Trend, indicates that the currency has been moving lower against the base currency

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