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Foreign exchange (FX) rates

Exchange Rates updated as at: 17-03-2025

Exchange Rates in Units of Local Currency to 1 Unit of Foreign Currency
Currency Currency Name TT Sell TT Buy
USD US Dollar 4.5305 4.3415
SGD Singapore Dollar 3.4010 3.2526
NZD New Zealand Dollar 2.6252 2.4747
GBP Pound Sterling 5.8544 5.6180
EUR The Euro 4.9385 4.7127
CAD Canadian Dollar 3.1590 3.0152
BND Brunei Dollar 3.4070 3.2467
AUD Australian Dollar 2.8853 2.7270
Exchange Rates in Units of Local Currency to 1 Unit of Foreign Currency
Currency USD
Currency Name US Dollar
TT Sell 4.5305
TT Buy 4.3415
Currency SGD
Currency Name Singapore Dollar
TT Sell 3.4010
TT Buy 3.2526
Currency NZD
Currency Name New Zealand Dollar
TT Sell 2.6252
TT Buy 2.4747
Currency GBP
Currency Name Pound Sterling
TT Sell 5.8544
TT Buy 5.6180
Currency EUR
Currency Name The Euro
TT Sell 4.9385
TT Buy 4.7127
Currency CAD
Currency Name Canadian Dollar
TT Sell 3.1590
TT Buy 3.0152
Currency BND
Currency Name Brunei Dollar
TT Sell 3.4070
TT Buy 3.2467
Currency AUD
Currency Name Australian Dollar
TT Sell 2.8853
TT Buy 2.7270
Exchange Rates in Units of Local Currency to 100 Units of Foreign Currency
Currency Currency Name TT Sell TT Buy
AED UAE Dirham 125.4800 116.0900
CHF Swiss Franc 512.3000 491.1300
CNY Chinese Renminbi 62.6000 60.1400
DKK Danish Kroner 67.2700 62.0900
HKD Hong Kong Dollar 58.6600 55.4800
IDR Indonesian Rupiah 0.0282 N/A
PHP Philippine Peso 8.0300 N/A
INR Indian Rupee 5.3050 N/A
JPY Japanese Yen 3.0560 2.9070
LKR Sri Lanka Rupee 1.5540 N/A
NOK Norwegian Kroner 43.3700 40.0300
SAR Saudi Arabia Riyal 122.3500 114.2100
SEK Swedish Kroner 45.5500 42.0400
THB Thai Baht 13.7090 12.6550
ZAR South African Rand 25.3500 23.4000
Exchange Rates in Units of Local Currency to 100 Units of Foreign Currency
Currency AED
Currency Name UAE Dirham
TT Sell 125.4800
TT Buy 116.0900
Currency CHF
Currency Name Swiss Franc
TT Sell 512.3000
TT Buy 491.1300
Currency CNY
Currency Name Chinese Renminbi
TT Sell 62.6000
TT Buy 60.1400
Currency DKK
Currency Name Danish Kroner
TT Sell 67.2700
TT Buy 62.0900
Currency HKD
Currency Name Hong Kong Dollar
TT Sell 58.6600
TT Buy 55.4800
Currency IDR
Currency Name Indonesian Rupiah
TT Sell 0.0282
TT Buy N/A
Currency PHP
Currency Name Philippine Peso
TT Sell 8.0300
TT Buy N/A
Currency INR
Currency Name Indian Rupee
TT Sell 5.3050
TT Buy N/A
Currency JPY
Currency Name Japanese Yen
TT Sell 3.0560
TT Buy 2.9070
Currency LKR
Currency Name Sri Lanka Rupee
TT Sell 1.5540
TT Buy N/A
Currency NOK
Currency Name Norwegian Kroner
TT Sell 43.3700
TT Buy 40.0300
Currency SAR
Currency Name Saudi Arabia Riyal
TT Sell 122.3500
TT Buy 114.2100
Currency SEK
Currency Name Swedish Kroner
TT Sell 45.5500
TT Buy 42.0400
Currency THB
Currency Name Thai Baht
TT Sell 13.7090
TT Buy 12.6550
Currency ZAR
Currency Name South African Rand
TT Sell 25.3500
TT Buy 23.4000
Gold Price (0.10 troy oz)
Currency Currency Name TT Sell TT Buy
GLD Gold 1352.13130 1299.10650
Gold Price (0.10 troy oz)
Currency GLD
Currency Name Gold
TT Sell 1352.13130
TT Buy 1299.10650

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Please note that the rates are indicative only and do not constitute an offer or invitation to buy or sell the respective currencies. No liability is accepted whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of this information. The actual exchange rates for currency exchange transactions will be determined by the Bank at the time such transactions are effected.

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