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A mother and her little daughter are having fun while having breakfast together; image used on HSBC Malaysia Smart Home Cover page.

Smart Home Cover

Protect your home with a customisable insurance plan.

Be smart about what you protect

With Smart Home Cover, you can choose the level of protection that suits you, helping you to protect your home.

Whether you need house contents cover, home repair and maintenance or landlord insurance, Smart Home Cover offers a comprehensive range of coverage to choose from for your personal home or rental property.


  • We'll cover the cost of loss or damage to the household goods and personal effects in your home.
  • We'll cover the cost of repairing or maintaining your home.
  • We'll provide cover for malicious damage to your home caused by tenants, loss of rent and the cost of legal fees for a Demand Letter.

What your coverage includes

Take a closer look at our Smart Home Cover insurance coverage. They're all valid for a year, whichever option you choose.

HouseHolder cover >

We'll cover the cost of loss or damage to the contents in your home or rental property due to:

  • fire, lightning and explosions
  • impact of an aircraft, road vehicle or animal that doesn't belong to you
  • windstorm, earthquake or flood, excluding an excess1 of RM50 for each item
  • burst or overflowing water tanks or pipes, excluding an excess1 of RM50 for each item
  • theft or burglary

We won't cover:

  • loss or damage caused by a subsidence or landslip
  • loss or damage when no one is living in the property

1Excesses – being the amount which is to be borne by the insured in the event of a claim, are applicable for certain perils examples bursting or overflowing of water tanks or pipes, windstorm, earthquake and flood.

Full Value - Sum Insured determined by customer
Full Value
Sum Insured determined by customer
Option 1 Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
First Loss Benefit Amount (RM) 10,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 70,000
First Loss
Premium (RM) 51.74* 103.48* 155.22* 238.80* 306.46*
Full Value - Sum Insured determined by customer
Full Value
First Loss
Sum Insured determined by customer
Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 1 10,000
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Full Value
First Loss
Sum Insured determined by customer
Premium (RM)
Option 1 51.74*
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5

Note: Base of the product must consist of HouseHolder

*excludes flood prone areas

HomeFix >

For an additional premium, you can add home service and repair via Allianz Partners to help you with home repairs and maintenance.

Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 1-Premium (RM) Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 2-Premium (RM) Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 3-Premium (RM)
Repair of Burst Pipe Up to 5,000 50 Up to 10,000
75 Up to 20,000
Repair or temporary repair or replacement of Doors, Locks and Windows arising from Theft Up to 200 50
Up to 200
Up to 200
Domestic Help Allowance  Up to 100 50
Up to 200
Up to 300
Home Repair/services via Allianz Partners or reimbursement basis 50 50
60 75
80 100
Home Care via Allianz Partners or reimbursement basis 1,000 50
1,500 75
2,500 100
Repair of Burst Pipe
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 5,000
Option 1-Premium (RM) 50
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 10,000
Option 2-Premium (RM) 75
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 20,000
Option 3-Premium (RM) 100
Repair or temporary repair or replacement of Doors, Locks and Windows arising from Theft
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 200
Option 1-Premium (RM) 50
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 200
Option 2-Premium (RM) 75
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 200
Option 3-Premium (RM) 100
Domestic Help Allowance 
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 100
Option 1-Premium (RM) 50
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 200
Option 2-Premium (RM) 75
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 300
Option 3-Premium (RM) 100
Home Repair/services via Allianz Partners or reimbursement basis
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 1-Premium (RM) 50
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 2-Premium (RM) 75
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 3-Premium (RM) 100
Home Care via Allianz Partners or reimbursement basis
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 1-Premium (RM) 50
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 2-Premium (RM) 75
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 3-Premium (RM) 100

Landlord insurance >

If you're a landlord, you can extend the cover for your property for an additional premium. This includes:

  • Malicious damage by tenant
  • Tenant runaway
  • Legal Fees for Letter of Demand
Landlord insurance
Landlord Insurance
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 1-Premium (RM) Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 2-Premium (RM) Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 3-Premium (RM)
Malicious Damage by Tenant Up to 2,000 51 Up to 2,000
181 Up to 2,000
Tenant Runaway N/A 51
RM500 per incident, limited to twice a year 181 RM1,500 per incident, limited to twice a year
Legal Fees for Letter of Demands Limited to twice a year 51
Limited to twice a year
181 Limited to twice a year
Landlord insurance
Landlord Insurance
Malicious Damage by Tenant
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 2,000
Option 1-Premium (RM) 51
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 2,000
Option 2-Premium (RM) 181
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Up to 2,000
Option 3-Premium (RM) 439
Landlord Insurance
Tenant Runaway
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Option 1-Premium (RM) 51
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
RM500 per incident, limited to twice a year
Option 2-Premium (RM) 181
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
RM1,500 per incident, limited to twice a year
Option 3-Premium (RM) 439
Landlord Insurance
Legal Fees for Letter of Demands
Option 1-Benefit Amount (RM)
Limited to twice a year
Option 1-Premium (RM) 51
Option 2-Benefit Amount (RM)
Limited to twice a year
Option 2-Premium (RM) 181
Option 3-Benefit Amount (RM)
Limited to twice a year
Option 3-Premium (RM) 439

For other key terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet in the link below.

Apply for Smart Home Cover now

Get an instant quote online for Smart Home Cover in a few easy steps.

Ready to stay on top of your policies more easily?

See your policies with just a few taps on the HSBC Malaysia Mobile Banking app.

Simply log on and go to 'Home', find 'Your insurance overview' and select 'View more'.

Alternatively, you can access the dashboard in HSBC Online Banking instead – log on now.

Once you've logged on, go to 'Our products', then select 'Insurance'. Or you can go to 'Quick links' and choose the 'Allianz Insurance Dashboard' icon.

Scan the QR code to get the app now.

Things you should know

The information provided on this page is not a contract of insurance. The descriptions of cover are a brief summary for quick and easy reference. The precise terms and conditions that apply are in the policy document. Smart Home Cover ("this Plan") is underwritten by Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad (Company No. 200601015674 (735426-V )) ("Allianz General") and HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad ("HSBC Malaysia") is the intermediary in distributing this Plan. This Plan is exclusively for HSBC Malaysia Credit and Debit Cardholders only. Please read and understand the Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS), Brochure and Policy Wording before signing up.

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