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A family is running on a beach; image used for HSBC Malaysia Reducing Term Assurance

HSBC's Reducing Term Assurance

Reducing Term Assurance

In life, nothing matters more than putting our family first, and we are often willing to take on extra responsibilities to enhance our loved ones’ quality of life. With HSBC’s Reducing Term Assurance, you will enjoy the peace-of-mind knowing that your loved ones will be protected from sudden loan repayment obligations.


  • A Reducing Sum Assured is payable in the event of Death and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • Coverage/Protection during construction period (up to 5 years) for Home Financing
  • Flexibility to pay your regular premium via monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly mode

Ready to stay on top of your policies more easily?

See your policies with just a few taps on the HSBC Malaysia Mobile Banking app.

Simply log on and go to 'Home', find 'Your insurance overview' and select 'View more'.

Alternatively, you can access the dashboard in HSBC Online Banking instead – log on now.

Once you've logged on, go to 'Our products', then select 'Insurance'. Or you can go to 'Quick links' and choose the 'Allianz Insurance Dashboard' icon.

Scan the QR code to get the app now.

Important Notes

  1. You are required to assign the policy to HSBC Bank in order to facilitate settlement of the loan/ financing in the event of Death or TPD.
  2. This Plan shall not cover death due to suicide within twelve (12) months from the Issue Date or any Reinstatement Date of the policy, whichever is later. If death is due to suicide within twelve (12) months, this policy shall become void and we shall refund the premium paid without interest under this policy to the Policy Owner.
  3. The Total and Permanent Disability benefit will only be payable provided that the Life Insured continues to become permanently and totally disabled for at least six (6) consecutive months.
  4. The policy term for this plan is inclusive of the construction period, if applicable.
  5. The Reducing Sum Assured payable may or may not be sufficient to pay off the total outstanding loan amount due to interest rate fluctuations and/or if the borrower defaults on his/her monthly repayments. Borrowers must ensure that the sum assured is sufficient to cover the total outstanding loan amount from time to time.

This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract for the complete terms and conditions of this plan.

Issued by HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad (Company no. 127776-V) (“HSBC Bank”). HSBC’s Reducing Term Assurance is underwritten by Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad (Company no.104248-X) (“Allianz Life”) and HSBC Bank is the intermediary in distributing this Plan.

The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM.

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