Help and support
Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to common questions here, or contact us with your specific enquiry.
Forms and documents
Save time and download forms and documents online from our download centre.
Contact us
Get in touch if you are having any issues with banking or have questions.

Read all of our latest notices relating to our products and services.

Important information
Access all important information about banking with HSBC Malaysia.

Service Tax
More detailed information on how Service Tax may impact you.

Common Reporting Standard
More detailed information on how to update your tax information with HSBC Malaysia.
Other information
Updating your email
Learn the benefits of updating your email address and how to do it.
Account dormancy
Find out more about account dormancy and customer status dormancy.
Credit card education
Discover different types of credit and how to better manage debt.
SWIFT Code for incoming overseas payments to your HSBC/HSBC Amanah account.
Financial difficulty
Get tips on how to get through financial difficulties and how HSBC may help.
Security centre
Visit our security centre and learn about HSBC Safeguard and staying secure online.
Social media terms
Read the full terms and conditions for our HSBC Malaysia Facebook account.
HSBC Whistleblowing
To raise concerns pertaining to wrongdoings, malpractices, and/or irregularities by HSBC employees or its agents and vendors.
Extra support resources
If you're feeling overwhelmed, we're here to support you with your banking in a way that works for you. Learn more about Enhanced Care Needs.